2 Awards for National Philanthropy Day

2021 National Philanthropy Day will be held virtually on Nov. 17. The purpose of this day is to recognize the great contributions of philanthropy, those people who are active in the philanthropic community, and the impact philanthropy has on our society. The day provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has made possible. NPD celebrates the endless daily contributions individuals and organizations across the world make to countless causes and missions.
Homeward Bound was involved in two awards – Senior Resource Development Director Eleanor Ashton was named Outstanding Professional Fundraising Executive in recognition of her 20 plus years of successful nonprofit fundraising leadership, her professional integrity, and her dedication to the profession of philanthropy. Homeward Bound’s nominee Prestige Subaru earned the Outstanding Business in Philanthropy award in recognition of their philanthropic support and community service. Prestige has supported charities whose missions include providing shelter, housing, food, education, and environmental sustainability. Homeward Bound has been a recipient of Subaru’s Share the Love event for the past three years and has received over $100,000 which has gone directly ending homelessness for many individuals.