Our Impact: 2022

Homeward Bound was founded in 1988 with a focus on ending homelessness in Buncombe County. Since adopting the Housing First model in 2006, we’ve moved nearly 2,500 individuals into housing. 92% have not returned to homelessness.

Housing First

We know that getting and keeping people housed is the first step to ending homelessness and that sometimes, providing prevention services including temporarily paying rent to avoid eviction (or other expenses) is critical to keep from increasing the homelessness numbers.

In 2022, we provided homes for:

38 veterans

69 chronically homeless

We prevented homelessness for:

162  individuals

30     veterans

Our Landlord Partnership Program provides stable housing to those in our community. In 2022, the program resulted in:

159  leases

80+   landlord partnerships

Mae, Housed in 2021

AHOPE: A much-needed respite

Our AHOPE Day Center delivers critical client services 5 days a week, providing a place for hundreds of our homeless neighbors to pick up mail, store their possessions, take a shower and more. As the front door to our housing services, we connect people who are homeless to housing and also help divert people from homelessness by finding relatives or friends who can house them or referring them to needed resources. In 2022:


individuals served




vulnerability studies conducted

Thousands of showers, cups of coffee and pairs of socks provided


At Homeward Bound, we go where the need is – people living on the streets, in cars, under bridges, and in campsites – and connect them to the medical, mental health, substance-use disorder services, permanent housing resources, emergency shelters and basic needs services.

225 served by our Outreach team

Home is Key: Compass Point Village

The conversion of the former Days Inn on Tunnel Road will provide 85 permanent supportive housing apartments and on-site behavioral health services, case management, and job training for individuals experiencing homelessness in our community.

Welcome Home Donation Center

key to our successful retention rate is providing household supplies and gently-used furnishings to make a house a home for those transitioning out of homelessness. In 2022:

homes were made

in household items/furnishings donated

James Lost His Job, His Leg and His Home

James, a veteran and a successful plumber, sustained a severe injury to his toe at work. Though he received treatment at the VA Hospital, due to his diabetes, James had difficulty healing and developed a bone and blood infection that ultimately resulted in the amputation of his leg just below the knee. This medical crisis cost James his job, his leg and his home. James stayed at a veterans shelter, sharing a room with five men, several of whom used drugs. Lack of privacy and difficulty sleeping led to depression. Then James met Molly, Veteran Services Program Manager at Homeward Bound. He has since become housed and is receiving case management to help him get back on track with employment, ongoing healthcare and support.

Get Involved


A variety of opportunities provide volunteers a meaningful experience in support of our mission to end homelessness.

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Donate Items

The items you donate help both our neighbors currently living on the streets as well as those transitioning into a home.

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Donate $

No matter how much you give, every dollar works hard to provide the services necessary to fulfill the mission of ending homelessness in our community.

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Be a Business Sponsor

Partnering with Homeward Bound as a business sponsor is a win/win for our clients and your organization.

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