Get Help

I am homeless.

In need of housing? The process starts at AHOPE, where you will meet with the Homeward Bound staff to begin a discussion of the type and urgency of assistance needed. AHOPE’s Day Center also provides showers, mail receipt, phone service, and a place to rest, have a cup of coffee, and store personal belongings until housing is established.  

AHOPE Day Center

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday | 8 am to Noon
Wednesday | 8 am to 11 am

19 North Ann Street
Asheville, North Carolina 28801

(828) 252-8883

I am a Veteran in need of housing support.

Our Veterans Programs provide short-term financial support and case management to individuals and families at imminent risk of homelessness and to those already experiencing homelessness in Buncombe County.

  • Alix Doddridge, Veterans Outreach Program Manager
    (828) 772 – 2847
  • Outreach Specialist    
    (828) 259-5300
I know of someone who is homeless.

Homeward Bound’s Outreach team is focused on reaching the most vulnerable homeless individuals living on the streets of our community to connect them with permanent supportive housing, healthcare, disability income, and community mental health services. We meet people where they are: in the woods, under bridges, on the street. Please call our Outreach Program Manager, Trisha at (828) 768-2670 or email if you know someone who needs help. 

I need a shelter for tonight.

Homeward Bound does not provide temporary overnight shelter. Please see the following list for shelters in Asheville, NC.

  • Beloved Village For Homeless From Beloved House Asheville
    (828) 571-0766
  • Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry
    (828) 259-5300 
  • Salvation Army Shelter For Men And Women   
    (828) 253-4723
  • Western Carolina Rescue Mission
    (828) 254-1529
Other Resources

In addition to the services provided by Homeward Bound, numerous community agencies and faith communities provide resources for everything from food, clothing, and job training, to rent and utility assistance, and more.